
Market Your Business With Our 7 Resourceful Marketing Skills

“Ignoring online marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone.” 

Digital marketing skills

I’m often asked by small business owners, “What’s the best way to market my business?”, “What are the most resourceful digital marketing skills I need to grow my business”?

My answer is always the same: “It depends.”

Marketers love a good cliché like that, don’t we? But in this case, it’s true. There is no single ‘magic bullet’ marketing channel that will hit the bullseye for your business – or at least not for long. Marketing channels are great when they work but it won’t be forever. You need to be prepared for a time when something changes and you need to adapt as quickly as possible.

The countless digital marketing tools available now.

  • There are so many marketing channels available that it can be hard to focus on the ones that will have the biggest impact on growing your business.
  • Some of these marketing channels are: paid advertising through social media platforms like Facebook or Google AdWords; search engine optimization (SEO); direct mailings; email marketing campaigns using services like MailChimp or ConstantContact; print materials such as brochures and postcards sent via snail mail; branded merchandise such as t-shirts emblazoned with logos or slogans that customers may wear around town—these kinds of items work especially well when they’re given away at events where attendees might see other people wearing them!
  • The most important thing is to know what works for your business. This means understanding your target audience and what message resonates with them. Your messaging needs to be consistent across all of your platforms, as well as in-person if you’re in a brick-and-mortar location. Having multiple touchpoints will help people remember who you are, which increases brand awareness and can lead to more sales!

To make the most of limited marketing funds, here are some tips that should help you choose the right marketing channels.

1.Know your target market

First and foremost, when deciding on what kind of advertising to do for your business, it’s important to know who your target market is. This will help you determine where they hang out online and offline, which media outlets they read and listen to, what websites they visit often (if any), etc. If you can’t think of a single person who fits this bill in real life or online then it may be time for a re-think about how much time and effort should be spent on that particular campaign type!

  • Demographics include age, gender, race/ethnicity, location (urban vs rural), education level, and income level.
  • Psychographics include personality type (e.g., introvert or extrovert), interests and hobbies, etc…
  • Behaviors refer to what they do as individuals or groups of people – such as buying habits: where they shop; how often they shop; which brands they buy most often; etc… * Motivations refer to why someone does something – what drives their behavior? For example: saving money vs being stylish vs having the latest technology etc… * Needs refers to the things that an individual needs to function properly e.g., food shelter clothing shelter, etc… * Desires refer back again to motivation but generally speaking these are wants versus needs e.g., I want an iPhone rather than needing one at this moment in time

2. Know where your customers hang out

Now that you know who your customers are, it’s time to get familiar with their hangouts. Are they the type of people who like to go out and socialize? If so, where do they go? Do they prefer more low-key activities such as playing games at home or meeting up at the local coffee shop?

Do they spend a lot of time on social media? Do they read blogs regularly—or watch YouTube videos or listen to podcasts?

3. Choose the right marketing channels

The next step is to choose the right marketing channels. This will depend on your target market and what you’re trying to sell.

For example, if you’re selling lawn mowers, then it makes sense to advertise on sites like Craigslist and Facebook because those are places where people with lawns hang out. If your company makes office supplies, then advertising on YouTube would be a good idea because there’s a good chance that most of your customers will find videos useful (and entertaining).

4. Choose a mix of online and offline


  • Social media. You’ve heard it before, but it bears repeating—you need to have a presence on social media and make sure you post regularly. Don’t just put up one or two posts and then forget about your account; keep it active by posting content that will engender engagement from customers, clients, and prospects alike.
  • Email marketing. If you aren’t using email marketing for your business yet, get started today! It is still one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers (and existing ones!) online with direct links back to your website or landing page where they can learn more about what you offer while remaining in contact with you over time as well as through other channels like text messaging when possible so that your message doesn’t get lost amid all the other noise out there competing for attention at any given moment–this especially applies if someone needs help making an appointment first thing Monday morning when everyone else would rather sleep in than think about work right away!


  • Business cards: You may think “paper has gone out of style” but we disagree because there are plenty of ways people still use them despite their growing popularity among younger generations who prefer digital formats instead–especially millennials born between 1980-2000 who grew up spending hours playing video games instead of studying basic algebra equations!

5. Learn about your competitors’ marketing skills and strategies

  • Look at what your competitors are doing.
  • Understand why they’re doing it and if that makes sense for their business.
  • Learn from their mistakes, if there are any, and see if you can apply that knowledge to your strategy.

6. Try to automate as much as possible

Automation can help you save time and money. Automation can also help you reach more people, get more done, avoid mistakes and bad habits—and do it all faster than ever before.
Automation is the process of using software to run tasks that would otherwise require human effort. It’s a great tool for streamlining repetitive processes like sending emails or managing social media accounts because the software does all the work for you—allowing you to use your valuable time elsewhere!

7. Market efficiently and with an end goal

Marketing is a long-term strategy, not a one-time event. It’s not a science, but it is an art. Marketing is not just for the marketing department; it should be the responsibility of everyone in your business. You need to know what your end goal is and how you will get there before you start creating marketing strategies or tactics.
The best way to create an effective marketing strategy is by understanding your target audience better than they understand themselves. Once you understand these key components, you can put together the pieces needed for successful marketing campaigns that meet their needs and make them more likely to buy from you over others in your industry.

Resourceful Digital Marketing Tips Conclusion

Marketing is all about connecting your business with the right people. By following these tips, you can choose the right marketing channels to reach those people and make sure your marketing budget goes as far as possible.

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